Starting with Google AdWords


This module will give you a first introduction about making use of the AdWords application. This introduction does not at all pretend to even give you a full overview... A full training on using the possibilities of AdWords and Google Analytics would be a complete course by itself and is outside the scope of this digital skills introduction. You can follow those trainings in serlfstudy

Have a look at below video - Look at online marketing 101: learn the ABC

Create your AdWords account

First step is to create your AdWords account you will be using to manage your marketing campaign.

Go to to login (or create an account)



You can use your gmail account as single login. Enter an email address, choose a password, select a time zone and currency and confirm your email.

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Modify your AdWords account preferences

After logging in (and possibly aborting the "campaign wizard" if you don't get below screen), you see the main menu structure of the AdWords application. To the right, you have access to your account preferences.

Click it. Now at your left you have a menu structure where you can select:



  • Account Access: You can invite others to manage this adwords environment (e.g. you could give access to an e-marketing service company if they will manage your campaign). You can set the rights (e.g. Administrative access, Standard access, Read-only access,...)
  • Linked accounts: e.g. your google analytics account
  • Notifications settings: to set the automated email’s related to google adwords (billing, compaign maintenance alerts, security,...) you will receive
  • Preferences: time zone, display language, number formats (e.g. European or American,...), tracking (auto tagging).


Tracking: Autotaging under “Preferences” requires some more explanation: A feature that automatically creates custom destination URLs to help you track your ad performance using website tracking programs like Google Analytics: If you have multiple ads that link to the same page on your website, auto-tagging will attach a parameter to your ads' destination URLs to help you tell which ad was clicked for each visit to your site. Google Analytics and similar programs can use the information in auto-tagged URLs to tell you which AdWords keywords brought a visitor to your site, which campaign that keyword was from, and how much that click did cost. By default, auto-tagging is turned off. You can check whether auto-tagging in on, as well as turn it on or off.